6 Tips to Create More Time To Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever been in a conversation with a friend and you ask them, “Have you achieve your goals?” and they say, “Oh, no, that didn’t happen, I guess life just got in the way.” Or, maybe it was you who gave this answer. The key to achieving your real estate goals is to make time. Stop with excuses and focus on what you want to achieve. Prioritize what is important in your life, and work on developing a laser focus and you will succeed beyond what you ever thought possible.
Even with a busy schedule, there are several things you can do to make more time to work on your real estate business.
1. Make Your Goal A Priority
There are so many things to juggle in everyday life and sometimes after the day-to-day obligations there isn’t much time to work on your professional goals. Prioritizing your goals and identifying where you want to spend your time can help free up time you didn’t even know you had. This is time you can then focus on growing your real estate business.
First, I suggest writing down your goal. Make it tangible. For example, “I want to have a net worth of $500,000 within the next 12 months.”
Once you have a defined goal, asking yourself on a regular basis if the time you are spending is helping you get to your goal is so important. You might be spending time doing things that are wasting time and not moving you towards success. If you don’t check in with yourself on a regular basis, this time will continue to be wasted.
2. Streamline Your Time
How can you ensure that you continue to spend your valuable time actually growing your real estate business and not just drowning in busy work?
First, I like to make a list of what I am spending my time on, or “action items.” Pick only three per day. For example, if you are just starting your real estate business you might want to make a top priority spending time taking online courses or doing research on successful investing methods. If you are looking for new business, make marketing one of your goals for the day.
Each of your goals should be directly related to your main goal.
Then, throughout the day check in with yourself to make sure you are on track with your three priorities for the day.
Get rid of the to-do list with a hundred items on it, or at least hide it away where it isn’t taunting you. Lengthy to-do lists cause even more stress, which means more unproductive time.
Having your three daily goals visible will help you spend your time wisely and productively – which will help you get more done in less time.
3. Make An Appointment With Yourself
Having set goals and a prioritized action list can help you streamline your time, but only if you actually make the time. I suggest making an appointment with yourself. That’s right. Schedule a meeting with yourself. Block the time out on your calendar each day. Make it a priority to go to the meeting and spend the entire time focused on your real estate business.
This method gets rid of excuses like “oh, I will go and work on my business after I watch this show…” or “maybe I should wash the dishes first…” would you cancel an appointment with a client for either of these things? No? Then acknowledge the importance of your time the same way you would theirs. Your time is the most valuable you have, and you owe it to yourself and your success to be respectful of it.
4. Identify Time Wasters
Have you ever been scrolling through social media, reading something online, or binge watching a show when you realize it has been over an hour? Or more? Yikes! Think of everything you could have gotten done in that time.
In our society, with instant access to any type of information and entertainment, it is so easy to waste time on activities that provide no value.
Now, I am not saying not to do these things at all. But set a clock and abide by the time you allocate. Maybe you like to scroll through your personal emails first thing in the morning. Great, set an alarm for 15 minutes and when the timer sounds, it is time to stop. Then, you can spend the time you saved working towards your real estate goals instead of getting lost down the rabbit hole of the world wide web.
Leave your bad habits behind and start focusing on a productive future.
5. Don’t Be Afraid To Say No
Many of my students that have the excuse of “not having enough time” end up listing off things on their schedule that give no benefit to themselves or their life. Helping friends and family is great, and it is something you should do. But there needs to be a limit to what time you are spending doing things that are not helping you meet your personal and professional goals.
So, next time someone asks you a favor, ask yourself if it is something that will be truly beneficial to them, and if you truly have time for it. Some requests are frivolous, and they might not really need you. Maybe you really just don’t have time, and that is okay too.
For instance, if you are already volunteering each week, ask yourself if you really have time to join another committee. If it is something you really want to (or need to) do, see if there is anything else on your plate that you can swap.
Again, it is always great to help people around you, but not at the sacrifice of your own goals.
6. Spend Your Time On Activities That Make You Money
I frequently hear people say “oh, no, I can’t be successful in real estate investing, I have tried that before and failed miserably.” The problem? They were spending time on real estate investing methods that don’t work. Don’t spend your time reinventing the wheel or working with investing methods that aren’t proven to work.
For example, fixing and flipping is not an efficient way to spend your time. In fact, fixing and flipping is a severe waste of time. Focusing on high profit real estate investing methods like the Unlimited Funding Strategies I teach will let you spend your time actually making money.