How to Flip Homes with No Money

Do you know how to flip homes with no money? You might be telling yourself, this isn’t possible. I’m here to confidently tell you, it is possible. How? Let me explain.
How to Flip Homes for Beginners
For every real estate investor, it’s important to know the real estate industry well. Can you imagine being an engineer and not being able to draft designs of the machine you’re trying to build? It’d be impossible to produce something on the fly that can outcompete others who can draft.
Now imagine trying to do real estate investing and all you know is how to buy a property using cash or a conventional loan and competing with others who know other strategies and financing options that allow them to buy as many homes as they want without the restrictions of liquid cash and credit.
The more you learn, the more skills you’ll acquire, and the more options that will become available to you. This is true for any person in any occupation. So why limit yourself to only what you know?
Before you can flip a house, you need to be able to get a deal with little to no money down.

Flipping Houses with No Money
In order to flip a house with no money, you’ll have to find a deal first. You can purchase a home by leveraging a subject-to deal. This allows you to buy the house from a homeowner by taking over their financing, or mortgage payments. Most of the time, all you need is $10 to make the transaction.
There’s not a lot of people who are going to just give up their interests in their home for $10, so doing a subject-to deal isn’t going to be easy. When trying to make money out of nowhere, you’re going to have to be skillful.
So how are you going to get a house? You have to find motivated sellers.
Before you find motivated sellers, you’ll have to first understand what a motivates a seller to do a subject-to deal.
There are many motivations for a seller to get rid of their property. Sometimes the homeowner is upside down on their home and selling their home will net them a loss. Other times the homeowner has unfortunate circumstances and needs to sell their home. Whatever the reason, there is no shortage of motivated sellers. There is however, competition.
Competition is always healthy, so it does mean you’ll have to put in the effort in order for it to work.
Once you find the motivated seller, you can utilize the subject-to deal, and when you strike a win-win situation, you’ll have made your first deal with no money. Make sure to follow these steps after you close a subject-to deal.
Can you do flip real estate with no money? Yes, you certainly can. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can start investing in real estate today. If you need more guidance, I recommend downloading my Unlimited Funding Kit.