Mindset Is The Key to Success in Real Estate Investing

June 14, 2021
How to have a positive mindset and become a real estate investor

Generating a life-changing income is something you likely desire if you have, or are starting, a real estate investing business. However, without the right mindset the road to success can be a long one. 

I always say, the most expensive real estate you own is what’s between your eyes; your mindset. We all have that little inner voice, that fear, that doubt. 

Your mind has created a comfort zone, and its auto-pilot mode tries to keep you safe within the boundaries. The key is to break out of these limits and develop a mindset that will lead you to success. In this blog, you’ll learn how to overcome a negative mindset so you can embrace becoming a real estate investor. 

Common Mindset Blocks in Real Estate Investing

There are common mental blocks I see with my students, and you can overcome any of them and become a great real estate investor.

For example: 

I’m an introvert, there is no way I can do meetings with sellers. 
What if they ask me a question I don’t know the answer to? 
I am bad at math, so how can I run an investment business? 
I am broke, so I can’t make money in real estate investing. 

Even if you don’t see your fear on this list, there are ways to shift any mindset that is limiting you from starting your journey into real estate investing. Next, we will go over a few mindset blocks and how you can change them to move out of your comfort zone.

Cold Calling

Let’s look at an example of overcoming cold calling, one of the most common mindsets of not wanting to make calls to sellers because of the fear of rejection. The inability to cold calling will make real estate investing almost impossible.

In this case, put yourself in the seller’s shoes. If you had a house for sale, you would want people to call you about the property right? That is a simple mindset switch that can help you pick up the phone. People want you to call and they want your help. There is no need to have fear.

Handshake - Making a deal means getting a lot of Nos first

The Fear of Hearing No

Another big fear is hearing the word “no.” However, there are a certain number of “nos” that you need to get before you get a “yes.” Of course there are people who go on their first appointment and get a deal, but that’s not typical. Get comfortable with hearing no, because it will help you in real estate investing.

Some people go to 10 appointments before they finally get a deal. Guess what, was it worth it for them? Absolutely. So, when one of my students has a fear of rejection, I remind them that every no they hear is practice leading them to the yes that will put money in their pocket.

Move Your Mindset Forward to Feel Comfortable with Real Estate Investing

Your mindset is what will determine the outcome of your real estate investing business. The wrong mindset will point you in the wrong direction and lead to frustration. It is why people eventually quit. So, changing the mindset holding you back is essential.

Evaluate Your Mindset

You need to identify what is holding you back from becoming a real estate investor. First, make a list of things you fear about your real estate investing business. Then, you can evaluate why you feel this way. 

Knowledge Equals A Confident Mindset

One way to shift your mindset to a confident one is to continue to gather knowledge. Whether you are new to real estate investing, or have been investing for years, there is always something to learn. 

Having knowledge will help build confidence. It will help eliminate any doubts you have about being a successful investor. There are several ways to do this: 

  • Read industry books. 
  • Find a mentor to work with. 
  • Attend live events. 
  • Stay up to date on local real estate trends. 

Again, your success in real estate investing depends on your mindset. I invite you to get started by getting our Free Unlimited Funding Kit.

Marko Rubel
Marko Rubel is a bestselling author, self-made millionaire, and master real estate investor. He immigrated to the U.S. from Croatia as a champion boxer in his 20s without speaking English and having little money.  He has been named a real estate expert by the National Real Estate Investing Association that represents over 40,000 investors nationwide. After years of trial and error in wholesaling and rehabbing, he created his own strategies. He is now considered one of America’s leading real estate experts— helping others on their real estate investing journey.